Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 4

Today started with a trip to Sea Level- the picture is on the other camera, though. Then off to Bet She'an- it's a Roman town from the time of Jesus. It was beautiful with mosaic floors and marble there was a huge amphitheater and the tour guide let me go down there to sing!! Not sure how the rest of the group felt about listening, but I enjoyed singing 'Jesus loves the little children'!!

We drove through the West Bank to get to the Dead Sea and saw lots of interesting things- here's a bunker-thing overlooking Palestinian Jericho. It was weird to be so close to Jordan- only a few miles. We were right beside the barbed wire fence surrounding the West Bank. We went through two checkpoints- but they were just formalities, really. A pretty safe area, I think. We made it through, anyway!

This is us floating in the Dead Sea. It's hard to show, but it is SO buoyant! If you don't force your feet down they will fly up to the surface. We just floated around- and laughed at each other trying to stand!! I got a little in my mouth and it tasted like pure salt- nasty! And the rail they had to help you walk in was covered in about 5 inches of minerals! It wasn't actually night when we went- the flash just does funny things to the lighting.

Sabbath started at sundown- really neat to eat dinner in the hotel with lots of families celebrating. Everything was draped in white and half the elevators were switched to automatically stop at each floor so no one had to work by pushing buttons on the Sabbath....not sure about that, especially since we were on the 11th floor! But we found the Gentile elevators! Tomorrow we are off to see the Dead Sea scrolls and where David hid from Saul- an oasis in the Judean dessert.

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