Monday, November 1, 2010

This is at Masada-One of my favorite stops so far. Just to imagine the sacrifice and drama....really neat. Plus, it was a beautiful day to be there. Papaw is beside some of the leftover boulders the zealots had ready to throw at the Romans below as they built their ramp.

This is Ein Geddi (probably spelled wrong). This is were David hid from Saul and cut the corner off Saul's robe. Barren except for a few trees around each waterfall. With the water's noise you could almost imagine the soldiers hiding- very cool. And this is a rock lorax. I can't get the video to load, but I have a video of it singing. It sounds like a bird call- then it makes that hawking noise like it's speaking Hebrew. Really funny.

This is were the Dead Sea scrolls were found- learned lots about the Essenes and John the Baptist here. Won't bore you with details now, but I was loving the new knowledge!!

Lastly we have my new friend Omar- the little 4 yaer old boy. He and his dad were selling goodies overlooking the Jericho Road- he's entirely too cute!! We bought some stuff for Jennifer and Nessa (I'm not saying what!!!) and part of the bartering process was a ride down the hill on the donkey. 'Shway-shway' means 'go' in Arabic. So we had to say, 'shway-shway Omar!" to get him to lead us down the hill. Had such a good time doing that! Although they walked us really close to the edge of the cliff. The dad, Ahkmed, helped us stay on-there was no saddle!! Really full, fun day.

Of course, I'm three days behind posting....I'll try to get the rest done tonight. They keep us busy from 6:30 am-7:30 at night. At which point we all fall into bed exhausted!!

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