Friday, October 29, 2010

Israel- day 2

Today we drove down to Nazareth- I was really not prepared for how much I loved this stop. The city itself was just a city. But there was a church built around a well there that provided all the water for ancient Nazareth. It was just amazing to see this place where Jesus and Mary had come daily for water- overwhelming, really. There was a Russian Orthodox Church service going on while we were there. The chanting was beautiful!!

From there we went to this tall hill where you could see the plains of Armagedon. Really neat to see that place- you could see both sides of Israel from there and lots of Old Testament sites- most of which we are seeing over the next few days.

Next on to Megiddo- translated it is Armagedon. We got to see Solomon's Chariot stables. Also, some of the Canaanite walls were still standing that the Israelites would have encountered along the way into Israel. This is down in the mountain- Solomon's son Ahab drilled into the mountain and out through this tunnel to bring the water into the city walls. You could still see the chisel marks where the Israelites had dug the tunnel- that's what my dad is pointing to.

And, a new experience today- Falafuls!! Turns out, they are really good! I've eaten them twice this trip...all the food has been really good on this trip.

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