Saturday, January 12, 2008

I thought this was just precious- he falls asleep with his middle two fingers in his mouth- I'm not sure why, but I think it's cute!!

And I just had to show the market- although there is no way to really capture what it's like. It's so crowded and, yet, really bright- and there is always at least one person asking you to buy their things! You'll hear, "excuse me, madame (madame!), you like my silk shirt? I give you good price! HOw much you pay? I got many colors, many sizes." And before you get past that stall, the next one has started in. It's VERY fun, but also exhausting! And the best deals are to be found on the small rows where they will pack more stuff into a 3ft.x 4ft. stall than I thought possible-- of course, they stack stuff 15 feet high! You have to walk sideways to get through (at least I do!).

And here's us at the Lemongrass- we really liked the Vietnamese food here- well, it was the best we've had so far, anyway! We've been noticing Isaac does much better with his left hand-- we may have a little right brained artist-type on our hands! I'd told Branden before, we have two girls who really love sports, you just know our son is going to play the violin!! It kind of balances the family a bit. Anyway, we are off to meet our good friends from the Holt BB. They just arrived last night and we're meeting for lunch before our flight to Hanoi. I can't wait to see them- they are the family who shared our dates through almost the whole process. We've spent so much time on the phone and over email, it'll be so nice to actually see them!


Ann said...

We have two southpaw pitchers (baseball) and they are both extrememly athletic in many sports so . . . don't assume your little Isaac will only play the violin :-)

Love the pictures. I check your blog every day and I am loving all the updates! Thanks!


asian~treasures said...

Our Micah is a leftie...he LOVES music-drumming in particular. : )

What a precious picture of your little guy sleeping!

Sheri, David, Micah & Noah-in VN

Stevens Family said...

You all look like you're having such a great time and your son seems to be adjusting well. I'm glad you got to get together with Anne too. How fun! Enjoy the rest of your trip.