Saturday, January 12, 2008

Food- for Dad and Nathan

Well, you guys wanted to know what we had for breakfast- so here goes.... I actually ate cereal with what I would swear was goats milk and toast every morning. But I made myself try most of these things, and they weren't aweful. Just not good, either! Very, very bland- the waitress suggested fish sauce for flavor, but I declined! It's so nice to eat at the top of the Rex every morning. We're still not completely used to the time, so we usually get to breakfast by 7 while it's still cool enough to think! You can see the streets going wild with traffic below and yet be surrounded by the nicest waiters and tropical flowers everywhere. I really enjoy breakfast- even if it is cold cereal with odd milk!!

And here is a before and after picture of pho. You point to what you want and its' steamed in the broth. Then the guy pours noodles, your things, and lots of broth into a bowl. Everywhere you look you can see people eating this stuff--any time of day. And again, it's not bad, just not my favorite!

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