Thursday, January 10, 2008

weird things

yesterday we had a series of things happen that seemed odd to us. Maybe it was the heat (the merciless, suffocating HEAT), maybe it was the straight- carb diet going to our head, but we laughed all day yesterday. Never a bad thing, of course. First was the room service lady. We were there when they rang our doorbell. Who knew we had a doorbell? We looked all around trying to figure out what to do-- in our defense, we had just woken up from a nap. But that got us tickled. Then she asked us if we had laundry. Branden asked, 'do you do laundrey?' She got this strange look and said, 'no' and walked off-- . That has to be one of the strangest conversations I've heard. Seriously, what was that about? Then we went out a different elevator than usual and had to wait. I was looking at the wood paneling around the elevator when I realized- it's contact paper!! So I started really looking at the facades closer-- and the big display they have set up in the heart of the city to celebrate the Vietnamese entry into the world trade org. (I think that's what they are celebrating) has these giant pillars holding huge photos. Well, those pillars are contact paper stone! Now, I'm not one to put down the judicious use of contact paper. In fact, I'm a big fan! But these seemed like such strange places! Then we took a cab to the Jade Emporor Pagoda. Our cab driver knew one phrase in American- 'USA first number country!!' We smiled and nodded, secretly amused but also amazed that so many people know even a few words in English- and lots of folks speak very well!! I know it's partly economic, but still amazing. So all in all, a fun day for us! Isaac is still learning to trust us- and still a champion eater and sleeper! I'll post more of us at naptime, but for now wanted to show these pictures of the Jade Emporors pagoda. When we asked the hotels receptionist if it was worth the drive, she said she'd never been because she's catholic. We that that was funny- we were just looking at it as a tourist stop. This is the god that brings about Tet, so we wanted to see. When we got there, it was clearly a church for these people. And it broke my heart. When you go in you can buy these coke bottles refilled with some sort of yellow liquid- a food offering for the gods. It's poured on the fountain while you pray and swirl incence in the air. We saw lots of people laying on the floor and praying. The building was beautiful- but the reality of what it meant was so sad. We took a few pictures of it and on the way home paid better attention to how many of the little stores had kitchen alters- and more than half did. Probably more, but those were in the front. So pray for these people- they are clearly looking for meaning and purpose, but are sadly looking in the wrong place. On a happier note, Emily and Audrey, we did get to see the turtles! They have all kinds and we thought about you girls as we took loads of pictures!!

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