Monday, January 28, 2008

We're Home!

Well, it's been a little over a week since we've been home- but life is suddenly so busy!! And I would rather play with the three kids (that's right- THREE) than anything else. So, the house is a disaster, we're eating an odd hodge-podge of food, but we are happy!! We've even almost got a routine! Of course, when Branden goes back to work Monday all that is out the window again. But for now, it's working. I wanted to post a few pictures of our trip home before I forget the details.

This is Isaacs' last picture in Vietnam (other than the airport). We'd had dinner with John and Anne and Nicholas at Bobby Chins. Let me just say- that family is so sweet! We loved hanging out with them! I wish our trips would have overlapped a bit more, but am not complaining too much. We had a much shorter than average time in country and they are record- holders! This picture was right after Isaac gave Daddy his first kiss!! What a sweet moment- and of course he wouldn't do it again for the camera, but look how pleased he is with himself!

Then, on to the airport. Our flight didn't leave until midnight, so me and Isaac crashed. I wonder what the other travelers thought of us? But it felt so good to rest- I was worried it would make Isaac wide awake for the flights, but he actually slept almost the whole time we were in a plane- I love purple medicine!

The airport in Korea has a little indoor playground- I was so excited to try it out. Isaac, however, was terrified! He backed away and made me hold him. We eventually tried the little slide together and he decided it was OK, but not by himself. The little rocking horse was avoided completely. And it made me se sad! This child will be 2 in a few weeks and was afraid of a rocking horse and slide. He had no idea how to play on a playground! So I sat up in the climbing frame with him and we watched the other children. He actually started to enjoy himself toward the end- but it looks like we are going to be spending a bit of time at the playground teaching him how to play!

This is the window seat at the Korean Air terminal. It completely freaked out my poor husband (who gets dizzy on the 3rd floor!) but Isaac thought it was amazing to watch all the cars moving under him!

And this is the bassinets Korean Air gives you- we had to fudge a little on his height, but needed that cot! We'd tried letting him sleep on the floor on the previous flight, but the stewardesses were not pleased. Isaac loved it, but they were worried about turbulance. Now, I am a safety NUT! My dad trained me well! But there were people laying accross whole rows in the back of the plane with no seatbelt and I just couldn't see the difference. But they made us hold him and he woke up and cried for the last half hour of the ride. Poor baby- I wanted to go hold him up to the flight attendants ear! But I realized I was too tired to make compassionate decisions so stayed put. But on the next leg of the trip- the long one- we made sure we got a cot. Oh, and those don't have seat belts, either, so tell me again how that's safer than the floor? Plus, on the floor, we could lay out several blankets and coats for cushioning, but had no room on the cot for padding. OK, really, I'm going to let it go now.

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