Tuesday, January 8, 2008

He's Ours!

So much to say... I am so happy right now!! Isaac is officially ours! We got there right as the foster mother pulled into the drive on her motorbike- She was very emotional, which was hard to watch and, of course, made me cry! I think they believe that the best thing to do is to make the switch to us quickly. So she left him with the director, filled out her paperwork and left. Poor Isaac cried so hard when we tried to hold him after that. But the director is amazing and took us to this tree that has ridiculously sour little green fruit and, somehow, holding those calmed him. Then we drove to the MOJ office and it turns out the only thing Isaac is afraid of is cars! It actually said that on his paperwork! So, he screamed the whole ride- which was mercifully short-and the director took him. But when we got there, I was the one who rescued him from the van and he clung like crazy to me for the rest of the time. He didn't try to get away- and actually fell asleep while we waited...and waited! The actual Giving and Receiving took maybe 5 minutes and we didn't even have to say anything. That was good, because I don't think either of us could trust our voices! And, just like that, he was ours!! We went back to the orphanage and handed out some gifts- they seemed to like the ones they saw, and I was so releived! Then the tour.. it's so small! We saw Isaacs old bed there and met the lady who took care of him while he was there. And we got to see the two little boys our friends are adopting- it was so strange to look around this room and actually recognize these babies! And they are so cute! We took big chocolate bars for the older kids and that was a big hit! THen we drove to the hotel- it's about an hours ride, but it doesn't seem that you ever leave HCMC. I thought it would be more rural. Anyway, he cried at first, but the foster mom had prepared a bottle so he ate and watched our face very sneeky. Like he didn't want us to know he was studying us. But here's the amazing part- and I mean amazing!! We got to our room and Branden went to get the right kind of formula (an adventure unto itself as the directions are all in VNese!) and I lay down with Isaac. He let me cuddle for a little bit, then I got out some new toys. Withing a few minutes he was playing a little then HE SMILED AT ME!! Honestly, one of the highs of my life! What a brave child--so much in one day and yet he still is willing to give me a chance! Before long we even had a few laughs! I am so amazed and could feel everyone's prayers bringing me to that very moment. Seriously, there is no doubt that this is going so well because of all the prayers- and I can't thank you all enough!! Well, we are off to dinner. If this kids' sheet is right, he eats all the time!! I have so much more to share, but I've probably bored you all, so I'll go.
One more thing- if you gave me a package it was delivered and well received. For Vu's mom- they were so glad to have those pictures and immediately passed them around to everyone. And Anthony's mom- the boys were actually neighbors, but your sons' foster mom came to support Isaacs, so I got to meet her and take her picture and she looked through the things and smiled and told you thank you. The other packages were kept there to be delivered to the foster families later. And now- pictures!! With many more to follow!


Max and Anne-Marie said...

Many CONGRATULATIONS Gretchen!!! It is so good to see him in your arms and content - both of you!

Anthony DePrince said...

OOOOH Gretchen! Oh My Goodness! We are sooo excited for you guys! We were thinking about your family last night at 10pm (on 1/7 which would have been 10 am on 1/8 in VN)! I couldn't even sleep! We are so happy for your family! It is so nice to see your pics and to read that Isaac seems to warming up to you...these kids are so amazing!

Thank you again for bringing Anthony our gifts. Today was the closest we have felt to our son since our match because we knew that he had received them, we had some clue as to what was happening in his day, and knew was enjoying something from his forever family. We will always remember your kindness! ;)

emersonsky photography said...

Awesome story! Thank you for posting it :)

Keep them coming!!!

--Kelli (Jude's mommy)