Tuesday, January 15, 2008


We've had a bit of trouble getting blogger to load in our hotel. We switched hotels today (they kept saying they were getting us a baby bed and, 2 nights later- no bed)and now can give you our great update.. Isaac had his medical appointment Monday. The doctor was originally from Lexington, Kentucky (near where I grew up and went to college) and we had the best time together talking about the great state of Kentucky!! Isaac sailed through, he is very healthy, and we got a visa appointment Wednesday at 2:30. We had one for Tuesday, but they have a new rule that you can't book an appointment with less than 48 hours notice. That makes no sense to anyone, and the Holt guy was clearly upset for us, but it still means we should be out of here by the end of the week if we can find a flight. We are waiting to hear back from the travel agent- so there is a real opportunity for prayer if anyone feels so led. Hanoi is nice and cool- cold, even. And lots of shopping opportunities!! Still, I don't like it nearly so much as Ho Chi Minh City. Or maybe I'm just really ready to see Emily and Audrey and to get Isaac into his new house (read: not a hotel room!). We've been using Skype- it's so nice to see the girls and have them tell about their days, yet it makes me sad, too. I miss them- and am just so grateful to my mother for taking such great care of them. They might not be ready for me to come home, what with all the new toys and visits to Chuck E. Cheese's!! What are grandmothers for, though, if not to spoil grandchildren? Anyway, no new pictures as I'm afraid to overload the system at this hotel until I know what it can handle. But before I finish, I simply must brag on Holt Vietnam! Seriously- our guy has called to check on us at least twice a day and worked late getting our hotels switched and making sure we were now satisfied! At our current hotel there are several families completing their adoptions and it really does show the high standard of Holt- I spoke with one family who was shocked to hear we'd been driven to the SOS clinic by our agency and all the help given to change hotels. I'm sure there are lots of great agencies out there, but I know we chose the best and I look at Isaac and am so glad we can focus our energy on him, not scheduling appointments and such. Anyway, enough on that-- I'll try to post more pictures tomorow.


Sophie Perkins said...

Oh my goodness, you have your son, you have your son!!!!! I'm so overwhelmed for you guys - he is, quite simply, the most beautiful little guy that I've ever seen (along with Alex!) I'm so so happy for you all. We're thinking of you and can't wait to read more updates.
Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world today and always
Sophie, James, Cait & Alex xxxx

asian~treasures said...

Good to read that you're in Hanoi! Keep enjoying each moment with your sweet boy!!

Sheri, David, Micah & Noah-in VN

Jason W. Allen said...


Anna and I just found out about the news, and we are very happy for you guys. May God continue to bless your lives as you choose to bless the lives of those around you.

For His Glory,

Jason & Anna

bjderouin said...

Wow I got an email from Brandon through Together we served but I don't have a subscription so I figured the easiest way was to put a msg on your blog. I wanted to give you my email address.. bjcoldiron@aol.com so that we could catch up and send you pics of courtney I think the last time you seen her was after Emily was born and then you guys headed to London... Congrads on the adoption I know that must have been a trying time adoption always is no matter what country you are in.