Wednesday, January 9, 2008

And here's the picture of us walking through the hotel- seriously, it was such a big deal to go walking without having to carry him- I love holding him, but my arms just aren't made to do that all day!!


Roxanne said...

I can hardly put into words how excited I am for you guys!! We certainly know the feelings though! I just want to say a quick hello here, and tell you that we've been thinking bout ya'll so much and saying lots of prayers. I hope the rest of your trip goes well and ya'll get home safely and soon. I can't wait to meet Isaac!

--Roxanne Lemley

Danielle Hayes said...

Branden & Gretchen-
He is BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks so much for sharing the blog of your incredible journey with us. We are thrilled for you guys!! Can't wait to see the pictures of YOUR son with his big sisters!

Let us know when the welcome home party is - we'd love to meet Issac!

Be safe- The Hayes Family

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the email and updates. I'm so excited for you guys. Come home safe!! Will there be a party so we can meet him?