Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First stop was the Israeli museum- got to see this model of what Jerusalem would have looked like 2000 years ago. Really got a good feel for where everything was back then and helped me to put it all together.

After a stop at the cave where Jesus was born, we moved on to Shepard's field. The cave was beautiful and humbling and overwhelming! We sang Away in a Manger and cried like a baby!! The shepherd field was beautiful. There were 7 different different services going in 7 different languages- very beautiful to be worshipping with others from around the globe!

This is the Rabbi's Tunnel- they have excavated down to the original floor where Jesus would have walked and took this picture behind where the Holy of Holys was located. VERY cool!

Then we walked around the corner and tucked prayer slips from all my kids and Branden into the wall beside the Holy of Holies. To think that we KNOW the Arc of the Covenant was here.....

And this is the street that was excavated- A picture of my mom walking where Jesus walked!!!

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