Friday, April 4, 2008

2 Birthdays

It's taken me awhile, but I just had to share about our 2 birthday parties! We went up to Kentucky to celebrate Isaac turning 2 and my Papaw turning 80! At first I was nervous about taking Isaac on such a long trip so soon after coming home, but it proved to be a good decision. He showed clear attachment to me (with my sister coming in a closer and closer 2nd the longer we stayed!) and it helped me relax about our upcoming move to Texas. I was so worried about such a big change so soon, but I've learned that as long as he has his family, his blanket and 'Mater pillow, we can go anywhere! Now for the party highlights:

We decided to go swimming for Isaac's party- he wasn't to sure about it at first. But after awhile he just completely relaxed- he's clearly going to enjoy the pool this summer!

And then there was ice cream cake--with cars on top!! This boy LOVES his cars!! He couldn't even wait for the singing to take the cars off the cake--you're allowed to do that sort of thing on your birthday.
And here's Grumpy (my mom got to name him!!)teaching Isaac the finer points of eating chocolate cake. The kids all love Grumpy- he talks to them like people, not like kids, and they just want to be where he is. It helps, too, that he's always doing great things like climbing big trees with deer stands or welding motorcycle parts or eating his daily chocolate!!

At present-opening time, when he got one car after another, you could see he couldn't believe his good luck!! He always has at least one car in his hands- and when he discovered pockets can hold Hot Wheels....well, that is one happy boy!

And here's my Papaw- one of my favorite people in the world!! This is the first time Isaac saw him- within a minute they were down in the grass picking weeds and laughing!! It was amazing- Isaac has NEVER warmed up to people like this, especially men. I guess he's just a good judge of character!

We had a big party for his 80th and my mom put together this wonderful scrapbook with letters and well-wishes from tons of people. It really reminded me how lucky I am to have gotten this amazing man as my Papaw! And what a faith he has- he loves Jesus with all that he is. Hearing all the stories of people he's led to Christ and helped in different ways humbled me. And it was wonderful that he got to be told how appreciated he is- so often we miss those opportunities. So, I suggest you tell those you love how special they are--and get really specific--right now. It feels wonderful for the both of you!! This is my mom and Papaw (her dad). I'm so lucky to have them both!!

And playing at my Grandaddy's cabin- how many 80 year olds do you know that can swing a kid up like that?

And I just had to show my brother with the kids- he lets them climb all over him both literally and figuratively. He'll do anything thay ask- I love my little brother!!

And for those of you who have personally met my Audrey- this is the Aunt Rachel who has made her who she is!! Two peas in a pod! Crazy girls...I love you both!

And, just in case anyone is still reading, some random snow pictures. It snowed in Kentucky and Isaac couldn't decide how he felt about it. He would throw a fit to go out, then freak out when his hand touched snow and got cold! I feel like such a bad mom for admitting this, but it was really funny!! He'd hold his hand up to me and shout, I'd warm it up, and he'd immediately stick it back in the snow and look shocked that the snow was still cold. Over and over!

And this is my Grandaddy- another great man of God I am blessed to have in my family. Everybody gets a flashlight from him at Christmas- I have 30+ Christmas flashlights from him! So, of course, Isaac had to get one since he missed Christmas. It's really neat to watch the two of them together- Grandaddy is really laid back and the two of them spent a lot of time just walking around.. and Isaac loved it!

1 comment:

The Chef said...

What FUN after such a traumatic experience with the surgery!! :)