Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring Break

We went to Myrtle Beach for the last two days of Spring Break- Emily and Audrey had been begging to go to the beach since last summer. I HATE the sand, but love the girls, so off we went!! Can you tell how excited they were?? It was around 70 degrees and the water was crazy cold--and they actually swam enough to use those goggles! We brought home roughly 25 pounds (no exaggerations) of shells-- but they were so happy the whole time!!

Isaac, on the other hand, was not initially a big fan of the beach! He wanted no part of his body to touch sand or water and clung to us like a monkey!! But it turned out to be a great thing for Branden... Isaac had beed really resisting Branden lately, not letting him hold or feed or bathe him. But Daddy was the one who rescued him from the evil sunscreen-slathering lady (that would be me!) and, after much holding and walking, the two of them where hand in hand in the ocean!!

We went to a place called Broadway At The Beach (which is, in point of fact, almost 7 miles from any beach) and these teenagers who were leaving gave my kids these balloon hats. I wish I could find their mom and tell her how happy her kids made mine. Actual 'grown up kids' (Audrey's description) paid attention to them and gave them something of value.. if you are 4 and 8, anyway. I always try and tell parents when their kids do something kind-- we can get so much of the negative feedback as parents, I think it's nice to encourage each other instead.

And we ate on a boat inside Margarittaville (it's Jimmy Buffets restaurant). The kids loved it because the sloping sides made a great racecar ramp! We spent all of dinner watching matchbox races. A side note about the racecars- most of them are Audrey's. She's a huge fan of the movie 'Cars' and plays with cars all the time. And Isaac packs the cars up in a little paisly purse to carry them around! So I have a daughter playing with cars and a son carrying a purse.....

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