Friday, April 11, 2008

A week in the life of us!

It's been a crazy week and I had to share some highlights! First, how cute is this picture??!!?? These two really enjoy getting into mischief together! Emily and Audrey have been collecting caterpillars (Eastern tent caterpillars to be precise) in our old aquarium (to the right of Isaac). It started with 3, then they just couldn't stand the thought of them geting squashed, so- at last count- we have 124 of these things!! And they spin these creepy mummy-looking crysthalyses... what us mothers will do!!

And I LOVE this picture. It was the day after the wreck, my whole body hurt and I did not have the desire to feed him any more soup!! So...I ripped off the no-nos, gave him some soft pasta and enjoyed the best meal I've had in at least 4 weeks!! It was only 2 days before we were supposed to, and I felt a guilty delight in breaking the rules for him!! And he clearly is enjoying himself!!

We are re-doing our kitchen and here it is, I kid you not, on the day of our 3 month post-placement visit!! Actually, the counter around the sink was still in the floor when our social worker was here... and she couldn't have cared less! I'm so glad this was the POST- placement visit, though.. they can't take him back now!!

This picture just defines my Audrey. We had gone to the toy store to shop with allowance money. Audrey bought this paint-your-own piggy bank. (Emily, true to form, chose to save her money- she's going to have more than me soon!) The lady asked if she needed it gift wrapped and Audrey said, "of course!" We took the wrapped present approximately 50 yards across the parking lot where she ripped into it saying, "I just love opening presents!!" She keeps me on my toes and laughing all the time!!

Last one, I promise--I told you it's been a busy week!! Anyway, Branden won tickets for the Masters golf tounament from Ft. Gordon. We left the kids with the neighbor- it was Isaac's first time away from us both and the little stinker never even cried, just played outside with his sisters!! And the Masters was incredible!! You can't take cameras in on tournament days, but it really is at least as pretty as on TV! I have never liked golf, but it was amazing to be so close to all these greats-- I even got within a few feet of Tiger on the green of hole 7!!! And some of the shots we saw were impossible! They swerve in at the last possible second---amazing to watch.

Well, that's all for this week. The girls are back in school next week, so it might slow down, but it's doubtful!

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