Sunday, April 6, 2008

A great day!

And I'm not even being sarcastic!! Me and the kids were headed downtown to meet some friends at the science museum. I turned and collided with a taxi-- it was totally my fault, but don't tell my social worker!! Our second post-placement visit is Tuesday. Hopefully she won't notice the rental car. Anyway... I got out of the van, smoke was pouring out, stuff I didn't even know I had was thrown up into the seats and dashboard... but we are all OK!! I stood under a covered porch at the intersection with Isaac in the Ergo, Emily and Audrey sitting at my feet singing songs (yes, singing!) and realised how little any of the material stuff matters. The folks in the other car are OK- they went to the hospital as a precaution, but the ambulance staff assured me they were fine. I called a dear friend to help me shuttle some kids because our other car only holds 4-- and this family not only let us intrude on their Saturday for a few hours, but cooked us lunch and let the girls drag out the teeny-tiny nightmare that is Polly Pocket! So, a great day to be reminded of all that I have to celebrate--wonderful kids who can sing praise music at a crash scene, wonderful friends who will drop anything for me (this is far from the first time they've come to our rescue, too!) and a God who can help me laugh and see joy in what should be a really crappy day!!

Oh, and did I mention I took out a lamppost? And ended up facing the complete opposite direction in the intersection? And all the doors make a weird crunching sound when opening? And, 36 hours later, all we have is a little stiffness in our shoulders/neck. Amazing. Any opinions as to if it's totalled? I've got my eye on this Mazda, you see...

1 comment:

Stevens Family said...

Glad to see you all are ok and in good spirits. As you said, those material things can be replaced. Hope you get the new car you've got your eye on LOL :)