Tuesday, February 19, 2008

One Month Home!!

It's hard to believe it's already been a month! I look back and can see how far we've already come-- and it makes me so excited to see where the next month (and the next..) brings us! I thought I'd share a few highlights from the first 4 weeks as a family of 5:

Isaac LOVES his sisters! When we pick them up from school he goes wild and laughs most of the way home- and I especially love the one of Emily and Isaac making faces at each other at the restaurant (celebrating 2 weeks home!). I have one just like this of me and my brother when he was Isaacs age.. and Isaac makes this face all the time!

We went to a japanese steak house to celebrate Tet (yes, I know that's not even close to Vietnamese, but the kids love it, and one of the waiters turned out to be Vietnamese, so I figure that's good enough). Anyway, one of the girls' favorite things they've learned about Tet is that it's when people (esp. in the countryside) celebrate their birthday- so they decided Isaac should get the birthday song and candle, and who was I to say no? Please, someone correct me if I have this way wrong, but for this year, at least, we liked getting to celebrate the birthday we missed withg Isaac! And then, the circus came to town! We surprised the kids w/ tickets and it was great!! They all three sat perfectly still the entire time and were mesmerized by the performers. Seriously, I know my physics is a little (OK, a lot) rusty, but some of the things we saw should not be possible! I'd forgotten how much fun the circus could be. Isaac is going to think that America is one crazy place if we keep this up--

1 comment:

ek and kids said...

How wonderful to see how much Isaac loves his sisters. I am looking forward to our kids special relationship with Evan since they are all elementary age and can really enjoy him.
Wow! I can not believe it has been a month already. We get to start our wonderful journey to Vietnam on Friday! What a joy to follow your family. I can't wait to post our one month home!
God is good! Kim