Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Amazing Children

I have written and said about the Isaacs' adjustment and how amazingly well he has done. And it is all so true- Isaac has lost his language, his caretakers, his comfort objects (we don't even know what those were), familiar food.........and been handed over to strangers. And I think he actually likes us! How amazing!

But today I want to focus on the two who waited with us for their brother. My amazing girls!! They, too, endured the long wait and constant unknowns. Then they lost their mom and dad for 2 weeks while we went to pick up the new kid. And yet we were welcomed home with open arms and precious little sibling rivalry. Please indulge me as I shamelessly brag...

Emily- She is so very brave. Her personality is not one that enjoys change. Yet, by this summer, she will have lived in 2 countries, 3 states, 6 houses (plus 3+ month stretches at my parents as few times), been in 4 schools, 3 churches...and the list goes on. Gotta love the Navy life. And she has done so well!! She is amazingly articulate- she is a deep thinker who will go to her room to sort things out in her head, then come talk to me about what is bothering her and why. Did I mention she just turned 8 !? And she's really funny, usually in that 8 year old laughing-at-farts kind of way, but sometimes she'll come up with really witty one-liners that leave us rolling on the floor! And she's really a perfect playmate for her sister and brother. She actually enjoys playing the 4 year old games w/ her sister and rolling a ball back and forth for HOURS with her brother. When Isaac came home, she went into protector mode, and he adores her! When we pick her up from school his whole face lights up and they play and laugh the whole way home. We've been trying to have mommy/Emily time at least once a week for an hour or so and, I gotta say, I really love hanging out with this kid! How lucky am I?

Audrey- This child has the most tender heart. She is all energy and motion, until she crashes into an amazing snuggle. She is the one that has amazed me most with Isaac. She was the baby for almost 5 years, then this toddler with no manners crashes her life---and she's OK with that! When Audrey was born, Emily had almost a year to get used to her before she could walk and talk and take things away. Audrey has had no such luxury- Isaac is always on the move and messing in her toys. He just wants to play with her, and I am so glad that Audrey understands that! We gave her the option to use a tall shelf to play out of Isaacs range, but she said that might make him sad, so she still plays on the floor with him. She is always so glad to see him and brings home treasures from school to show him. And her joy is indescribable. She goes wild with excitement over finding a pretty leaf! I really do take this kids to fun places, but they'd rather explore the backyard and go crazy over the new nest our squirrel family is building. Seriously, she finds the joy in everything! I get her all to myself almost an hour a day (I love naptime- for so very many reasons) and I get such a kick out of listening to her talk. And, boy, can she talk!! She'll go non-stop for hours, but it's so interesting to see how her mind works. Some days I would do anything for earplugs, but I wouldn't change this opportunity to inside her mind.

And then we add Isaac, and I am one fantastically blessed mama!!

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