Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Travel Visa

Somehow I forgot to mention that we got our travel visas back. This is surprising because it's such a big deal to me!! It was incredibly hard for me to mail off our passports to the Vietnamese Embassy. I prayed over that envelope for several minutes- and now our passports are now safely back in our hands with a sticker inside that says something (probably important) in vietnamese. If you remember back to dossier submission time (June-July 07) it was my missing passport that threatened to hold up our dossier process. And the sooner the dossier is in VN, the sooner we travel (in theory). A sweet lady at the passport helpline stepped in and I got it in time. All that to say- it was SO difficult to send that thing off to a foreign embassy and I am so grateful it's back in my posession! Now watch me lose it!

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